If you have any questions, please contact us!

Eisenwerk Wittigsthal GmbH
Eisenwerkstr. 1
08349 Johanngeorgenstadt

Tel.: 03773 / 506-0
Fax: 03773 / 506-222
E-mail: info@wittigsthal.de

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Eisenwerk Wittigsthal GmbH
Eisenwerkstr. 1
08349 Johanngeorgenstadt

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Inspection and installation covers

Many variants for high individuality

Inspection and installation covers

Type RT

  • plastic-coated
  • Cover powder-coated, similar to white RAL9016
  • approx. 15 mm wide circumferential frame and plug-in door with slot lock also available as galvanised version
  • (for all built-in cupboard sizes)

Type RTE

  • Matt polished stainless steel cover
  • approx. 15 mm wide surrounding frame and plug-in door with slot lock
  • (for all built-in cupboard sizes)


  • powder-coated, with ventilation slots
  • Powder-coated cover, similar to white RAL9016
  • approx. 15 mm wide circumferential frame and plug-in door with slot lock and ventilation slots
  • (for all built-in cupboard sizes)

Type RTF

for radio interrogation
  • Powder-coated cover, similar to white RAL9016
  • approx. 15 mm wide surrounding frame and plug-in door with slot lock and plastic insert, e.g. for measuring and distribution stations or inspection cover
  • (for all built-in enclosure sizes)

Type KAM

  • Limodor cover (white plastic) with magnetic holder
  • (only for 195 x 195 mm and 220 x 220 mm built-in cupboards)

Type KA

  • Limodor cover (white plastic)
  • Plastic frame and rear-ventilated plug-in door
  • (only for built-in cupboards 235 x 235 mm)

Type AM

  • Glossy stainless steel cover
  • with magnetic holder and anti-slip protection
  • (for all built-in cupboards up to 380 x 380 mm)

Type AMM

  • Matt stainless steel cover
  • with magnetic holder and anti-slip protection
  • (for all built-in cupboards up to 380 x 380 mm)

Type AMK

  • Powder-coated cover, similar to white RAL9016
  • with magnetic holder and anti-slip protection
  • (for all built-in cupboards up to 380 x 380 mm)

Type AMF

  • Plastic cover type AMF, similar to white RAL 9010
  • with magnetic holder and anti-slip protection
  • Particularly suitable for water and heat meters with remote reading via radio!
  • (for all built-in cupboards up to 380 x 380 mm)



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Customised solutions

In most cases, our successful and diverse product portfolio offers a solution for your building technology needs. Nevertheless, it may be the case that only a customised building technology solution can help with your individual requirements. We are also your specialised partner in this case and are sure to find a solution for your individual application.

If you have any questions about our
Products please contact

Contact person

Robert Scheu

Head of Marketing & Sales