If you have any questions, please contact us!

Eisenwerk Wittigsthal GmbH
Eisenwerkstr. 1
08349 Johanngeorgenstadt

Tel.: 03773 / 506-0
Fax: 03773 / 506-222
E-mail: info@wittigsthal.de

Or get in touch with your regional contact person directly.
Factory representative

You can find us here.

Eisenwerk Wittigsthal GmbH
Eisenwerkstr. 1
08349 Johanngeorgenstadt

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Sanitary manifold sections

Implementing good things in other stations

Sanitary manifold sections (for installation in other stations)

Sanitary manifold sections

For installation in other stations, we offer sanitary manifold sections with and without a counting device.



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Customised solutions

In most cases, our successful and diverse product portfolio offers a solution for your building technology needs. Nevertheless, it may be the case that only a customised building technology solution can help with your individual requirements. We are also your specialised partner in this case and are sure to find a solution for your individual application.

If you have any questions about our
Products please contact

Contact person

Robert Scheu

Head of Marketing & Sales