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Eisenwerk Wittigsthal GmbH
Eisenwerkstr. 1
08349 Johanngeorgenstadt

Tel.: 03773 / 506-0
Fax: 03773 / 506-222
E-mail: info@wittigsthal.de

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Eisenwerk Wittigsthal GmbH
Eisenwerkstr. 1
08349 Johanngeorgenstadt

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For optimum installation of ultrasonic measuring capsule heat meters


  • Complete heat meter module for quick and easy flush-mounted or surface-mounted installation
  • ideal installation variant for a compact heat meter (1 heating circuit) (several heat meters also possible on request, e.g. on heating manifolds)
  • for horizontal and vertical installation in straight-through and angle design
  • with flow and return line with sound and heat-insulated housing
  • fulfils the requirements of GEG 2020
  • pre-installed and leak-tested ready for connection
  • Installation on sound-absorbing brackets (DIN 4109)
Return flow
  • original Allmess heat meter EAT ¾" x 110 for Allmess heat meters
  • before and after 3/4" ball valves and vent valve
Flow pipe
  • ¾" ball valve with direct sensor connection M10x1 AG for direct sensor Allmess DS6 (∅6.0mm)
  • combined drain and bleed valve
  • primary/secondary side: standard 3/4" AG Eurocone for standard compression fittings
Installation in a built-in cabinet
  • Design suitable for installation in masonry, stud walls and pre-wall installation, among others
  • galvanised powder-coated (similar to white RAL9016) flush-mounted box (110 mm minimum installation depth)
  • Thermal insulation with thermal conductivity 0.03 W / (mk) in accordance with DIN 52612
  • Cover/door:
    • depth-adjustable powder-coated (similar to white RAL9016) frame and hinged door with slotted lock and inspection opening for removable measuring capsule calculator


Installation in surface-mounted cabinet (...-A)
  • powder-coated (similar to white RAL9016)
  • Enclosure installation depth: 110 mm
  • Thermal insulation with thermal conductivity 0.03W / (mk) in accordance with DIN 52612
  • Enclosure closed on all sides with pre-punched pipe penetrations
  • Cover/door:
    • Hinged door, powder-coated (similar to white RAL9016) with slot lock and inspection opening for removable measuring capsule calculator


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In most cases, our successful and diverse product portfolio offers a solution for your building technology needs. Nevertheless, it may be the case that only a customised building technology solution can help with your individual requirements. We are also your specialised partner in this case and are sure to find a solution for your individual application.

If you have any questions about our
Products please contact

Contact person

Robert Scheu

Head of Marketing & Sales